DECON 90, producto para limpiar los insectos y prepararlos para observación microscópica o fotografía. Es el mejor producto para este uso, tanto para ejemplares conservados en seco como conservados en alcohol. Envase de 1 litro

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Disponibilidad: En stock

66,00 € + IVA


Substancia alcalina que disuelve todo el tejido muscular si se utiliza al 100% tras 24-48 horas. Si se diluye al 20% en agua y se utiliza durante durante 2 h a temperatura ambiente, permitirá un nivel de limpieza perfecto. Hay que tener en cuenta que su componente básico es el hidróxido potásico, por lo que hay que tener precauciones con su uso (ropa, manos, etc.), no dejándolo actuar más tiempo del necesario y a temperatura inferior a 25ºC. Para estudios de anatomía interna, utilizarlo al 10%.

"Decon 90 is a milky white, non-viscous emulsion of anionic and non-ionic surface active agents, stabilising agents, non-phosphate detergent builders, alkalis and sequestering agents, in an aqueous base. Decon90's primary use is as a surface active cleaning agent and radioactive de contaminant for laboratory, medical and industrial applications. Decon 90 is not a consumer product, it will scar and eat through a varnished wooden surface and it is not suitable for use on non-ferrous metals, notably aluminium and zinc, or on polycarbonate. That said, Decon90 has quite the double identity, and is also used by natural history museums to restore organic specimens that have been preserved in alcohol and lost their colour and plumpness. Decon90 is a strong alkaline substance and immersing a specimen in 100% Decon90 will dissolve internal musculature within 24-28 hrs, as I discovered with the grasshopper specimen that I used the first time I tried it. However, diluted it works well for restoring insect eyes: the photograph of a metallic wasp above was immersed in a 20% concentration in water and the eyes were restored after only two hours. It is important to note that the solution was only heated to 40-50 degrees F, ie warmed not hot. The main ingredient of Decon90 appears to be KOH (Potassium hydroxide), and it transpires that this can easily be purchased in pellet form. Leaving a specimen in too hot or too strong Decon90 for too long can have the opposite effect to what's intended specimen in too hot or too strong Decon90 for too long can have the opposite effect to what's intended. The same insect illustrated above was left overnight in the 20% solution and the specimen photographed in the morning. The left eye had started to cave in as illustrated so caution should be observed. It turns out that KOH is the main component of Decon90, and this degradation is due to a process commonly referred to as chemical cremation or resomation. Potassium hydroxide hastens the decomposition of soft tissues, both animal and human, to leave behind only the bones and other hard tissues - entomologists wishing to study the fine structure of insect anatomy may use a 10% aqueous solution of KOH to apply this process." Johan J Ingles-Le Nobel, 2017.

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DECON 90, producto para limpiar los insectos y prepararlos para observación microscópica o fotografía. Es el mejor producto para este uso, tanto para ejemplares conservados en seco como conservados en alcohol. Envase de 1 litro

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