Trampa de ovoposición para mosquitos grávidos, especialmente Aedes. Las hembras son atraídas por el agua de estos dispositivos y entran en la cámara transparente a través de un embudo. NUEVO PRECIO

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21,80 € + IVA


Una vez dentro entran en contacto con las mallas tratadas con insecticida. La cámara transparente impide que los mosquitos salgan y el agua los retiene una vez muertos, sin dañarlos. Se puede aplicar insecticida a la pared interna de la cámara transparente para matarlos allí por contacto. También se puede colocar dentro una malla negra con insecticida de larga duración (LLIN) para matarlos por contacto. El mejor resultado se obtiene utilizando las dos mallas, en la entrada y en el fondo. Esta trampa se sirve con la malla impregnada de insecticida de larga duración (LLIN, duración un año), que también se vende como recambio.

Se pueden utilizar con CO2 para mayor capacidad de atracción, haciendo uso de los sets de adaptación ref. G8584.

Información completa de esta trampa, con instrucciones de montaje (formato pdf)

BG-GAT for professionals – a passive tool for mass trapping

Biogents’ passive BG-GAT (Gravid Aedes Trap) attracts female Aedes (Stegomyia) mosquitoes with water and oviposition cues. These mosquito species are vectors of diseases like dengue fever, Zika, chikungunya, or yellow fever. Mosquitoes trying to find an oviposition site enter the transparent chamber through the black funnel on top of the trap. In the transparent chamber they are exposed to a sticky surface, oil, or insecticides. The transparent chamber makes it difficult for the mosquitoes to escape, and the black mesh net provides a barrier between mosquitoes and the infused water. Dead mosquitoes can be collected.

The BG-GAT is ideal for surveillance programs of Asian tiger and dengue mosquitoes, or for mass trapping in combination with suction traps >

The BG-GAT oviposition trap

  • is affordable
  • is easy to set up
  • needs neither a power supply
  • nor CO2

The BG-GAT trap was developed by Dr. Á. E. Eiras from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil and by Dr. S. A. Ritchie from the James Cook University, Cairns, Queensland, Australia. Biogents produces and distributes the trap under an exclusive license agreement with both universities.

Examples of projects where the BG-GAT is ideal to be applied

  • surveillance programs for the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus, or the Dengue mosquito, Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti
  • control of these mosquitoes through mass trapping with the BG-GAT in combination with suction traps
  • projects in areas with limited electricity

Killing agent

We recommend three methods to kill the mosquitoes:

1) Place a sticky card into the transparent chamber. The mosquitoes will stick to the card when flying around, see publication Heringer et al., 2016 >
Sticky cards can be purchased separately from Biogents, please contact

2) A thin film of oil can be wiped on the inside of the translucent chamber. The oil “wets“ the wings of the mosquitoes, and makes flight impossible.
We recommend a neutral oil like canola, vegetable, or unscented baby oil. You can also use the aerosolised versions of these oils. Avoid using light or flavored oils such as olive oil, sesame oil, and walnut oil as they may inhibit entry, see publication Heringer et al., 2016 > and Johnson et al., 2016  >

3) Alternatively, you can use residual surface spray insecticides that will kill mosquitoes through contact (e.g., Mortein Outdoor Barrier Surface Spray, imiprothrin 0.3 g/kg, and 0.6 g/kg deltamethrin Reckitt Benckiser Pty. Ltd.).

Do not spray the black bucket or entry funnel. This will repel mosquitoes! Retreat the translucent chamber monthly.

Please note:
The smell of the new plastic of the traps might initially have repellent effects on the mosquitoes. Therefore, we recommend to store the traps with some water outside, or two weeks before using them in the field to get rid of the smell.

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Trampa de ovoposición para mosquitos grávidos, especialmente Aedes. Las hembras son atraídas por el agua de estos dispositivos y entran en la cámara transparente a través de un embudo. NUEVO PRECIO

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