Text Chinese with Latin scientific names. Text is brief, but colour plates allow identification of nearly all butterfly species found in China with their variations. This 4-volume set is an in-depth fauna to the butterflies of China, including Taiwan and Hong Kong. Species accounts include: morphological description, ecological habits, distribution, and classification. Provides detailed information for the research, exploration and protection of butterflies. A separate 30-page paperback booklet with a checklist giving scientific and Chinese species names is included in the box.
Includes 1700 species (more than 95% of the species found in China), with more than 11,000 specimens illustrated, including males, females, upperside and underside, and individual and geographical variations; 1500 habitat photos. The final volume includes 2500 beautiful colour photos of Chinese butterflies taken in their natural habitats.
vol. 1 checklist of Chinese butterflies, Papilionidae, Pieridae 470 pages, about 300 colour plates
vol. 2 Nymphalidae 509 pages, about 310 colour plates
vol. 3 Nymphalidae, Lycaenidae, Hesperidae 503 pages, about 190 colour plates
vol. 4 photos in nature 595 pages, 520 colour plates